The 93rd Oscars
Client Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Studio Imaginary Forces
Creative Director Alan Williams
Head of Production
Melody Alexander
Business Development
Brittney Walker
Producer JJ Gerber
Art Direction Alphonse Swinehart, Lindsey Mayer-Beug
Design & Animation Alphonse Swinehart, Lindsey Mayer-Beug, Miguel Delcan, Tom Allain, Rob Slychuk, Eddie Livingston, Andrew Pabon, Alexis Lim, Kiyoon Nam, Dan Tiffany, Kelly Stoia, Nick Woythaler, Charlie Proctor
3D Design Jake Ferguson
3D Animation Charlie Proctor, Nick Woythaler, Patrick Arrington, Jose Checa, James Gardner
Compositor Coche Gonzalez
Editor Jeremiah Shuff, Danielle White
Colorist Nick Sanders
Coordinator Jake Fritz
I had the pleasure of working with Alan Williams of Imaginary Forces on the broadcast graphics for the 2021 Academy Awards. Based on commisioned artwork created by Karan Singh, Magnus Voll Mathiassen, Michelle Robinson, Petra Eriksson, Shawna X, Temi Coker, and Victoria Villasana, we were tasked to create a highly colorful and optomistic on-screen graphics package for a very unique, mid-pandemic Oscar ceremony.
︎ Sizzle Reel
︎ Various Frames

︎ Process Selects